Support Program for Introduction of
Advanced Science and Technology to Asia

Main Activities

Natural Resources and Related Applied Technologies

Locals  and Industrial products development  and Global expansion

Highly-skilled human Resource Development

What We Do

Support for introduction of advanced science and technology

We support the introduction of technologies that utilize unique products obtained from one’s region. The specific support contents are as follows:

  1. Collaboration between local and Japanese research institutions:
    •Develop technologies that meet local needs through joint research and technical exchanges.
  2. Creation of Endemic industrial Seeds (ES) through science and technology:
    •Discover and nurture new industrial seeds that leverage the characteristics of the region.
  3. Applied development through collaboration between local and Japanese industries:
    •Promote the applied development of technologies towards practical use and aim for industrialization.
  4. Human resource development for maintaining and improving technology:
    •Support the training of local engineers and researchers for sustainable industrial development.

Support for introduction of advanced science and technology

  1. Creating ES through physical-property research
    >Analysis of essential properties of endemic-specific products
    >Utilization and acquisition of intellectual properties
    >Establishment of analytical methods
  2. Industrializing ES through applied development
    >Stable production of required quantities
    >Provision at affordable prices
    >Establishment of quality assurance processes
  3. Policy support
    >Establish intergovernmental agreements and frameworks
    >Securing funds and incentives
    >Development of highly skilled personnel

About us

SABRAU Co., Ltd.
PresidentMikitaka Suzuki
Head OfficeTokyo
AffiliatedSABRAU JAPAN LANKA (Sri Lanka)
SABRAU Technologies (Mongolia)